Exploring the Beauty of Queensland Waterfalls: The Magnificent Journey to Zillie Falls and Ellinjaa Falls pt.1


Written By: Jocelyn Chiu
Photos By: Brent Paterson

Last time, we shared the beauty of Millaa Millaa Falls. This time, we’re taking you deeper into the exploration of two other well-known waterfalls near Millaa Millaa Falls—Zillie Falls and Ellinjaa Falls. Each of these waterfalls has its unique charm, whether it’s the spectacular water flow or the enchanting natural surroundings, making them unforgettable destinations. Let’s dive into their allure!

Zillie Falls

Zillie Falls: A Breathtaking Natural Wonder

Zillie Falls is just a 10-minute drive from Millaa Millaa Falls. As you drive along Tereaso Creek Road, you’ll quickly spot the waterfall signpost by the roadside. However, the entrance isn’t very obvious, so looking for the “sudden appearance of a parking area” as your landmark is recommended to avoid missing it.

After entering, you’ll first pass through a small forest trail. About 5 minutes into the walk, you’ll hear the roaring sound of the cascading waterfall. Soon, the sight of the rushing upstream waters will come into view, and the end of the trail leads to the Zillie Falls viewing platform. Standing on the platform, you can fully appreciate the grandeur of Zillie Falls—water cascading down like a herd of wild horses, splashing and roaring with immense power, leaving you in awe.

But this isn’t the end! If you’re willing to explore further, you can take a primitive trail behind the viewing platform. This trail isn’t well-maintained, mostly consisting of dirt and gravel, and can be slippery during the rainy season, so be sure to tread carefully. As you slowly descend the trail, about 7 minutes later, you’ll reach the best vantage point—the Natural Viewing Area..

This viewing area is located right at the mid-section of the waterfall. Here, you can not only feel the powerful force of the waterfall but also experience the refreshing spray of water. Zillie Falls has a wider water flow compared to Millaa Millaa Falls, and its water volume is more abundant, showcasing the unparalleled power of nature. However, since the Natural Viewing Area doesn’t have guardrails, be sure to maintain a safe distance from the edge to ensure your safety.

-Jocelyn Chiu


A majestic waterfall cascades down a rocky cliff surrounded by lush green forest vegetation in a long exposure shot.
A majestic waterfall cascades down a cliff surrounded by lush green forest and tropical vegetation in a tranquil setting.
Majestic waterfall cascades down moss-covered rocks surrounded by lush green forest vegetation.

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探索昆士蘭瀑布之美:Zillie Falls 與 Ellinjaa Falls 的壯麗之旅 pt.1

Written By: Jocelyn Chiu
Photos By: Brent Paterson

上一次我們分享了米拉米拉瀑布的美景,這次要帶大家深入探索米拉米拉瀑布周邊的另外兩座較顯為人知的瀑布—Zillie Falls 和 Ellinjaa Falls。這兩座瀑布各具特色,無論是壯觀的水勢還是迷人的自然環境,都讓人流連忘返。讓我們一起來看看它們的魅力所在吧!

A majestic waterfall cascades down a rocky cliff surrounded by lush green forest vegetation in a long exposure shot.
A majestic waterfall cascades down a cliff surrounded by lush green forest and tropical vegetation in a tranquil setting.
Majestic waterfall cascades down moss-covered rocks surrounded by lush green forest vegetation.

Zillie Falls:氣勢磅礡的自然奇觀

Zillie Falls 距離米拉米拉瀑布僅約 10 分鐘車程,沿著 Tereaso Creek 路行駛,很快就能看到路邊的瀑布指示牌。不過要注意的是,入口處並不明顯,建議以「突然出現在路邊的停車區」作為辨識標誌,這樣就不容易錯過。

從入口處進入後,會先經過一條小樹林步道,步行約 5 分鐘,耳邊便會傳來瀑布傾瀉而下的轟鳴聲。接著,映入眼簾的是瀑布上游湍急的水流,而步道的終點正是 Zillie Falls 的觀景台。站在觀景台上,可以清楚欣賞到 Zillie Falls 的壯麗景象水流如萬馬奔騰般飛流直下,水花四濺,聲勢浩大,令人震撼。

但這還不是終點!如果你願意繼續探索,可以從觀景台後方進入一條原始小徑。這條小徑沒有明顯的步道設施,多為泥土和碎石,雨季時會比較濕滑,行走時務必注意安全。沿著小徑緩緩下山,約 7 分鐘後,便會到達視野最佳的「自然觀景區」。

這個觀景區恰好位於瀑布的中段,置身其中,不僅能感受到瀑布奔流而下的震撼力,還能親身體驗水花飛濺帶來的清涼感。Zillie Falls 的水流範圍比米拉米拉瀑布更廣闊,水量也更為充沛,展現出無與倫比的自然力量。不過,由於自然觀景區沒有設置圍欄,觀賞時請務必與邊緣保持安全距離,以確保自身安全。

-Jocelyn Chiu


Black silhouette of weightlifter performing a clean and jerk lift against dark background.