Exploring the Hidden Gem: A Journey to Hartleys Creek Waterfall


Written By: Jocelyn Chiu
Photos By: Brent Paterson

On the way to Port Douglas lies a little-known natural treasure—Hartleys Creek Waterfall. Nestled amidst lush greenery, this hidden paradise is the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, offering a chance to reconnect with nature.

A quick tip: When entering the destination into Google Maps, make sure to type only "Hartleys Creek." Otherwise, you might end up being directed to a nearby crocodile farm, which is definitely not where you want to go!

Pit Stop: Flat Rocks Small Waterfall

The adventure begins at the parking area, where an 8-kilometer (one-way) hike awaits. While the distance may seem daunting, the scenic views along the way make every step worthwhile. About halfway through, we recommend taking a break at Flat Rocks, a small waterfall.

This spot is not only an excellent resting point but also offers a unique experience of walking barefoot on the smooth, sun-warmed rocks. The sunlight gently heats the surface, creating a soothing sensation underfoot. Below the Flat Rocks waterfall, a natural pool forms, inviting you to take a refreshing dip in the cool stream—a perfect way to cool off on a hot summer day.

A scenic waterfall cascades down rocky formations in a forest setting while someone stands in the flowing stream below.
Someone sits on rocky terrain near a small waterfall wearing casual summer attire in a natural outdoor setting.
Someone enjoying the cool waters beneath a cascading waterfall on a warm day.

The Challenge: Steep Slopes and the Rainy Season Test

Continuing from Flat Rocks, the final 1.5 kilometers to Hartleys Creek Waterfall is the most challenging part of the journey. The steep slopes require constant climbing and descending, and with the arrival of the rainy season in January, occasional showers make the terrain slippery. Though the distance is short, every step demands careful attention to ensure safety.

The Destination: The Breathtaking Hartleys Creek Waterfall

When you spot the Hartleys Creek destination signboard, you’re almost there! Take a left into the forest and walk about 500 meters, and you’ll be greeted by a stunning sight—the majestic waterfall cascading into a crystal-clear pool. Towering trees provide shade, shielding you from the harsh sunlight and creating a cool, serene atmosphere that makes you want to linger.

During our visit, we practically had the entire waterfall to ourselves, as if we had "booked out" the place. The feeling of being alone with nature is truly indescribable.

Athletic person in workout attire smiling while hiking through a scenic wooded trail surrounded by tall trees.
Athletic person in workout attire gives a peace sign while hiking on a rocky forest trail.
Hiker with trekking pole poses near large tree trunk on rocky forest trail beside stream.

Travel Tip: Pack Snacks for a Waterfall Picnic

Unfortunately, we started our hike a bit late and had to head back before sunset. If you have enough time, we highly recommend bringing some light snacks for a simple picnic by the waterfall. Listening to the sound of rushing water while enjoying a gentle breeze is an absolute delight. For those seeking a closer connection with nature, take a plunge into the small pool beside the waterfall and let the cool stream wash away your worries.

Final Thoughts

The journey to Hartleys Creek Waterfall is not just a physical challenge but also a spiritual retreat. From the warm rocks at Flat Rocks to the refreshing pool at the waterfall, every detail immerses you in the beauty of nature.

If you’re planning an adventure away from the noise of everyday life, this is undoubtedly the perfect destination. Remember to plan your time wisely, bring plenty of water and food, and savor every moment of this intimate encounter with nature! 💚

-Jocelyn Chiu


A waterfall cascades behind a person sitting on a log wearing black athletic wear and white socks in nature.
A smooth waterfall cascades over rocky outcrops in a natural forest setting with flowing white water and dark stones.
Person sits on fallen log in front of majestic cascading waterfall surrounded by lush greenery.
A cascading waterfall flows into a tranquil forest pool with overhanging trees and a fallen log in the foreground.
Small waterfall cascades over smooth granite rocks in a forest stream with silky water motion effect.
Athletic person in black sports bra smiling during outdoor workout with hiking poles in wooded area.
Person sitting in front of a cascading waterfall in nature wearing a navy blue t-shirt.
A person sits by a cascading waterfall wearing athletic wear as water flows dramatically behind them in nature.
A hiker in athletic wear stands on a rocky forest trail surrounded by lush green trees and dappled sunlight.

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探索隱世秘境:Hartleys Creek瀑布之旅

Written By: Jocelyn Chiu
Photos By: Brent Paterson

在前往Port Douglas的路上,隱藏著一個鮮為人知的自然寶藏——Hartleys Creek瀑布。這片被綠意包圍的秘境,是遠離城市喧囂、親近大自然的絕佳去處。

小提醒:在輸入Google地圖時,記得只輸入「Hartleys Creek」,否則很有可能會被導航到附近的鱷魚農場,那可就不是我們的目的地了!

中繼站:Flat Rocks小瀑布

從停車處出發,單程8公里的徒步旅程正式開始。這段路程雖然不算短,但沿途的風景絕對值得你一步步探索。途中,建議你在Flat Rocks小瀑布稍作停留。

這裡不僅是一個絕佳的休息點,還能讓你體驗到赤腳踩在平坦大岩石上的獨特感受。陽光灑在岩石表面,溫暖的觸感讓人瞬間放鬆,Flat Rocks小瀑布下正好形成一個天然的泳池,在炎炎夏日跳入小溪水池中,沁涼的溪水瞬間成為讓身體降溫的好幫手。

A scenic waterfall cascades down rocky formations in a forest setting while someone stands in the flowing stream below.
Someone sits on rocky terrain near a small waterfall wearing casual summer attire in a natural outdoor setting.
Someone enjoying the cool waters beneath a cascading waterfall on a warm day.


從Flat Rocks繼續前行,距離Hartleys Creek瀑布只剩下1.5公里,但這段路卻是整個旅程中最具挑戰性的部分。陡峭的山坡讓你不斷爬上爬下,加上一月份雨季的到來,陣雨使得地面變得濕滑,行走時必須格外小心。雖然距離不長,但每一步都需要全神貫注,確保安全。

終點:Hartleys Creek瀑布的絕美風景

當你看到Hartleys Creek的目的地木板時,恭喜你,離瀑布已經不遠了!再往左手邊的森林走約500公尺,眼前便會豁然開朗——壯麗的瀑布映入眼簾,水流從高處傾瀉而下,形成一個清澈的小湖。高聳的樹木遮擋了刺眼的陽光,留下一片涼爽的陰影,讓人忍不住想在此停留更久。


Athletic person in workout attire smiling while hiking through a scenic wooded trail surrounded by tall trees.
Athletic person in workout attire gives a peace sign while hiking on a rocky forest trail.
Hiker with trekking pole poses near large tree trunk on rocky forest trail beside stream.



Hartleys Creek瀑布之旅不僅是一場體力的挑戰,更是一次心靈的洗禮。無論是Flat Rocks的溫暖岩石,還是瀑布旁的清涼湖水,每一個細節都讓人感受到大自然的美好。


-Jocelyn Chiu


Black silhouette of weightlifter performing a clean and jerk lift against dark background.