Birdworld Kuranda: An Intimate Encounter with Birds
Written By: Jocelyn Chiu
Photos By: Brent Paterson
Though small in size, Birdworld Kuranda is a beautifully maintained sanctuary that’s home to a diverse array of birds. The park’s clean environment and the birds’ vibrant health are a testament to the care and dedication of the staff.
Tips for Visiting:
- Bird Guide: Upon entry, you’ll receive a bird guide to help you identify the various species in the park. Use it to learn about Australia’s native birds as well as exotic species.
- Remove Accessories: Before entering, take off earrings, necklaces, and other accessories to avoid losing them to curious birds.
- Bird Feed: Arrive early to purchase bird feed if you want to attract birds to land on you. We arrived close to closing time, and the feed was sold out, so we had to rely on the “stand still” technique (which worked surprisingly well!).

Fun Experiences Interacting with the Birds
Even without bird feed, we managed to attract several parrots with a little patience and some clever tricks. One particularly clingy little green parrot (which I named “Little Green”) kept snuggling on my shoulder—it was absolutely adorable! The zero-distance interaction with these beautiful creatures was truly a healing experience.
Interaction Tips:
- Stay Quiet and Patient: Avoid sudden movements to prevent startling the birds.
- Stand Still: Birds are often curious about stationary objects. Try standing still under the bird shelter and wait for them to approach you.
- Observe Other Visitors: If you’re unsure how to attract the birds, watch what other visitors are doing and learn from their techniques.
Practical Information

A Healing Nature Journey
Birdworld Kuranda may not be large, but it’s a wonderful place to unwind and connect with nature. Whether you’re watching colorful birds fly around you or feeling the warmth of one perched on your shoulder, it’s an experience you won’t forget. If you love animals or nature, this sanctuary should definitely be on your Kuranda itinerary.
Pro Tip: Arrive early to purchase bird feed and maximize your chances of interacting with the birds! I hope this guide helps you plan an unforgettable trip to Kuranda. If you have any questions or experiences to share, feel free to leave a comment below!
-Jocelyn Chiu

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Written By: Jocelyn Chiu
Photos By: Brent Paterson
如果你正在規劃凱恩斯周邊的一日遊行程,那麼距離市區約一小時車程的庫蘭達(Kuranda)絕對是個值得造訪的地方!這個充滿自然氣息的小鎮不僅有著名的空中纜車和觀光火車,還隱藏著一個小而美的鳥類天堂——Birdworld Kuranda。這篇文章將帶你走進這個充滿驚喜的鳥類世界,分享我的親身體驗與實用建議,幫助你規劃一場完美的庫蘭達之旅!
- 早上:搭乘空中纜車或觀光火車
- 從凱恩斯出發,選擇搭乘風景優美的空中纜車或復古風格的觀光火車前往庫蘭達,沿途欣賞熱帶雨林與壯麗山景。
- 中午:探索庫蘭達市集(Kuranda Markets)
- 抵達庫蘭達後,可以先到鎮上的市集逛逛,這裡有許多手工藝品、當地特產和美食,是個挖寶的好地方。
- 下午:Birdworld Kuranda
- 下午2:30-3:00左右前往Birdworld,避開人潮,享受與鳥類親密接觸的療癒時光。

Birdworld Kuranda:與鳥兒的親密邂逅
- 鳥類圖鑑:入場時,店員會提供一張鳥類圖鑑,幫助你認識園區內的鳥類。你可以透過圖鑑了解哪些是澳洲特有種,哪些是外來種,增加參觀的知識性。
- 注意飾品:進入園區前,記得取下耳環、項鍊等飾品,避免被鳥兒叼走。
- 鳥飼料:如果想吸引鳥兒飛到你身上,建議早點入場購買鳥飼料。我們因為接近打烊時間才到,飼料已經賣光了,只能靠「站著不動」這招吸引鳥兒(笑)。
- 保持安靜與耐心:動作不要太大,避免驚嚇到鳥兒。
- 站著不動:有時候鳥兒會對靜止的物體感到好奇,試著站在鳥棚下一動不動,等待鳥兒主動靠近。
- 觀察其他遊客:如果不知道怎麼吸引鳥兒,可以觀察其他遊客的做法,學習他們的技巧。

- 開放時間:每天10:00-16:00
- 門票價格:成人21/兒童21/兒童10.50(購票時可以詢問是否有當地折扣)
- 建議停留時間:1-1.5小時
- 交通方式:從凱恩斯自駕約1小時,或搭乘空中纜車、觀光火車至庫蘭達站後步行前往。
Birdworld Kuranda雖然不大,但卻是一個讓人放鬆心情、與自然親近的好地方。無論是看著色彩斑斕的鳥兒在身邊飛翔,還是感受牠們停在肩上的溫暖,都是一種獨特的體驗。如果你喜歡動物或大自然,這裡絕對值得列入你的庫蘭達行程中!
-Jocelyn Chiu